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Road Advisory Committee Minutes 09/16/2013
September 16, 2013

Meeting opened 6:31pm

Present: Terry McCormack, Jim Plunkett, Richard Millette, Allen Mayville, Stan Brehm, Jeff Jordan, David Dobson, Tom Jameson, Philip Hitchcock

Not Present: Doug Hall, John Amsden

Allen Mayville made motion to accept August 26, 2013 meeting minutes; Terry McCormack seconded; motion carried and minutes accepted

Terry asked if CIP came up with date to get together, Allen gave October 7th date as tentative and would get back to confirm. If date was made we would arrange to meet at safety building.

Terry brought several members up to date about previous discussions of Horse Corner and Bear Hill Roads, what segments and what order to be done. Segments are not final but same lineage of road work.

Terry asked Jim for road assessments; Jim gave two figures of $124,000 for 2500 feet and $149,500 with 2206 feet for two sections on Horse Corner Road with the Bear Hill Road section coming in at $92,000 for 2200 feet.

Richard asked how these segments compare to our analysis.

Terry mentioned that projected figures would be Jim (town) doing the work at $124k vs. $150k by contractor for one of the sections on Horse Corner Road, and Bear Hill Road being $80k vs. $100k by contractor.

The group talked about doing a section with just a base coat and finishing the next year, Jim was willing to cost it out.
Stan brought up concern that not completing section might be an issue if problem with funding the following year and wasn’t keen on the idea.

Terry mentioned that our report needed to be together by October 7th for Horse Corner and Bear Hill Roads; Jim stated he would work on these and give cost and lineage figures and numbers.

Allen stated he could give the information to CIP at their next September 25th meeting.

Jim and Terry will get together Wednesday September 18th to get numbers for the report.

Other Business:

Richard Millette went to Central NH Regional Planning Commissions TAC meeting and the towns two roads were not on the plan (King Road & Main Street) due to a new methodology for computing. Federal assistance is based on what the state spends. Public hearing schedule was given for group to see.

No further discussion.

Terry McCormack made motion to adjourn; Richard Millette seconded; meeting adjourned 7:35 pm

Respectfully submitted,

Philip Hitchcock